Git cheat sheet pdf in 10 mins
Git cheat sheet pdf in 10 mins

git cheat sheet pdf in 10 mins

Match all files with a certain extension in a subdirectory

git cheat sheet pdf in 10 mins

Git cheat sheet pdf in 10 mins Patch#

git config -global diff.mnemonicprefix true # always show a diffstat at the end of a merge git config -global merge.stat true # no CRLF to LF output conversion will be performed git config -global tocrlf input # whenever pushing, also push local tags git config -global push.followTags true # show also individual files in untracked directories in status queries git config -global status.showUntrackedFiles all # always decorate the output of git log git config -global log.decorate full # the git stash show command without an option will show the stash in patch form git config -global stash.showPatch true # always set the upstream branch of the current branch as the branch to be pushed to when no refspec is given git config -global fault tracking # ignore the executable bit of files in the working tree git config core.fileMode false Git. git config -global diff.renames copies # if set, git diff uses a prefix pair that is different from the standard "a/" and "0001/" depending on what is being compared.

git cheat sheet pdf in 10 mins

If set to "copies" or "copy", it will detect copies, as well. If set to any boolean value, it will enable basic rename detection. git/info/sparse-checkout # define which whitespace problems git should recognize(any whitespace at the end of a line, mixed spaces or tabs) git config -global core.whitespace trailing-space,space-before-tab # tells Git to detect renames. # show current values for all global configuration parameters git config -list -global # let git automatically correct typos such as "comit" and "pussh." git config -global tocorrect 1 # set a username globally git config -global "username" ` # set an email address globally git config -global # always -prune for git fetch and git pull git config -global fetch.prune true # remove the previously set username globally git config -global -unset # color the git console git config color.ui true # set the tool used by git for diffing globally git config -global diff.tool mytool # set the tool used by git for merging globally git config -global merge.tool mytool # remove the previously set configuration value globally git config -global -unset myparameter # allows populating the working directory sparsely, that is, cloning only certain directories from a repository git config core.sparseCheckout true # instruct git to retrieve only some directory in addition to those listed in `.git/info/sparse-checkout echo "some/directory/inside/the/repository" >.

Git cheat sheet pdf in 10 mins